~web3 Healthcare App to Promote Healthy Habits among ABeam Consulting Employees〜

ABeam Consulting Ltd.(Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, President and CEO: Takahiro Yamada; hereinafter "ABeam Consulting") and HEALTHREE Pte. Ltd.(headquartered in Singapore, CEO: Shinya Ray Yamamoto, hereinafter referred to as "HEALTHREE") have introduced the web3 healthcare application "HEAL-Ⅲ" (hereinafter referred to as "HEAL-Ⅲ"), which utilizes the most advanced blockchain technology, to ABeam Consulting employees from early August 2023 as part of its efforts to strengthen health management that contributes to sustainable value enhancement of the company, starting with its human capital. (hereinafter "HEAL-III"), a web3healthcare application that utilizes cutting-edge blockchain technology, and begin a demonstration experiment to verify its effectiveness in improving exercise habits.


ABeam Consulting is focusing on wellbeing management, which supports employees' healthy work styles both mentally and physically, as part of its efforts to realize human capital management that promotes medium- and long-term corporate growth. As part of this effort, we are providing data-driven support for improving employee performance and health by utilizing the "Business Athlete Conditioning Level (hereafter BACL)*1 ," a dedicated web application that continuously collects and visualizes the condition and performance of each and every employee.


In this pilot project, "HEAL-III" will be provided to 100 employees whose BACL exercise habit score is below the standard value. Users will receive tokens as rewards for participating in various exercise activities on the app, including exclusive missions for ABeam Consulting employees. In addition, the linkage between in-house tools and "HEAL-III" will enable users to interact with each other and support their motivation to improve their health.

The introduction of "HEAL-Ⅲ," which has a game element and generates interaction, will enable systematic improvement of employees' exercise habits, aiming to realize more effective health management.

[Exercise x web3] Demonstration of the Effectiveness of Exercise Promotion Using HEAL-Ⅲ

<Target Participants> 100 employees of ABeam Consulting

<Period> Approximately 3 months from early August 2023

■About HEAL-Ⅲ

HEAL-III is a web3 healthcare application with Game-Fi elements. Users can choose an avatar, purchase NFT Clothes, and earn a unique token "$UHT Token" by performing health-related activities (Move - walking or running / Sleep - good and sufficient sleep / Eat - diet management).

The beta version was launched in June 2022, and Open-alpha was released in April 2023.

HEAL-III, a Health and Earn application that utilizes blockchain technology to "create habits of exercise, sleep, and diet," has the following three strengths.

(1) Increased motivation for action through the ability to earn tokens The value of "earning" is created by making healthy habits a regular habit. The tokens can be used in a variety of ways, such as to enhance the NFTs held by the user or to exchange them for gift certificates and other items through the store function.

(2)The combination of the Game-Fi element makes the game more challenging. In addition to strengthening NFTs owned by the user, in-app missions are also enhanced, adding a sense of strategy and entertainment to a sustained exercise routine.