

This page is to inform pioneers who won tickets in the CommunityQuest held from April 2011 to June 2011 of the special measures to be taken in connection with the transfer of the Quest function to Zealy.

Background of this issue

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We had originally envisioned that HEAL-III would be a quest development for the DIscord community, but we have decided to transfer the quest function to Zealy in order to encourage pioneers to contribute to the community in a more active and enjoyable way.

We apologize to the pioneers who have been participating in the Quest program for the inconvenience caused by this major change from the original policy.

We hope you will understand.

Regarding special measures

With the transfer of the quest function to Zealy, the originally planned reward based on the number of tickets will be discontinued.

Instead, ticket holders will receive 100 XP (experience on Zealy) for each ticket they hold, unconditionally.

This will allow ticket holders to gain experience faster in the early stages of the game, giving them a head start over other pioneers.